

Italian Diversity is...

Italy is a country of rich diversity across its twenty regions. Every corner has a different tradition, dialect, and flavour to share – be it Emilia-Romagna’s tortellini or Abruzzo’s arrosticini, Sicily’s granita or Puglia’s pizzica folk music. Italy is where both wolves roam the deep forests of the Apennine Mountains and world-famous designers wow crowds on the catwalks of Milan.

It’s a country with surprises at every turn. One can walk past 1-thousand-year-old ruins on their way to a three-Michelin-star restaurant and experience both the glamour of the Venice Film Festival and the raw excitement of Siena’s Palio horse race. This diversity is reflected in the landscape, from the snow-blanketed Alps to the balmy waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Ranging from its gastronomy to its culture and history, Italy is a land of contrast and colour. Explore it.



Italian biodiversity produces healthy ingredients for the perfect meal.

A noble symbol of Italian cuisine: olive oil ties together the threads of history and culture. With its high-quality production chain, olive oil provides a glimpse into the ways that biodiversity is imbued into the Italian territory. Produced from over 350 different olive varieties, olive oil holds a special place in every kitchen, and its many valuable properties keep us healthy and prevent premature cellular ageing.



Lorenzo Balbi, the artistic director of Museo
d’Arte Moderna di Bologna (Bologna’s museum of modern and experimental art) or MAMbo, takes us on a
journey through Italian creatives. Discover Elena Mazzi and Rosario Sorbello’s European city maps made out of beeswax.
Imagine visiting Versailles through a hive frame. Elena Mazzi and Rosario Sorbello use the tools of nomadic apiculture to reflect on the intersections of movements, adaptability, and resiliency. Using six hive frames, the artists made impressions of six European city maps using beeswax. The maps substitute the frame’s traditional beehive matrix, which are normally filled by bees with honey. The showcased cities are those in which rapid economic transformations have been taking place due to the movement of people, thus demonstrating the way that diversity is tightly linked to a high level of versatility.


Data Stories

Cooperation between people and industries is the best investment plan. So naturally, opting for collaboration is always a wise choice!
From production to export, the choice to collaborate is always the best path. Products and services are at their peak when they are born from collaborative processes. Industries following this path are also those that invest in economic and social wealth, and, at the end of the day – discerning buyers know quality!

La bellezza del cosmo è data non solo dall'unità nella varietà, ma anche dalla varietà nell'unità

“The beauty of the cosmos consists not only of unity in variety, but also of variety in unity”
Umberto Eco
20th-century philosopher, semiotician, and writer, most famous for his historical murder mystery novel “The Name of the Rose” (1980).


Spot it

Growing Old in a Digital World: a uniquely Italian initiative to promote inclusion. A special initiative aimed at promoting digitalisation among the elderly – this is Italian inclusion at
Digitalisation does not have to be intimidating. By embracing the core notion of inclusion, a bridge can be established between the older generation and its younger successor through a process of mutual exchange.
In Italy, this takes the form of projects, where high school students assist older learners in the use of digital devices and virtual services such as home banking. Similarly, other programmes are paving the way for digital inclusion, so no one is left behind, and everyone is equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to capitalise on the many opportunities that the digital revolution offers.

Hit Parade

It is the sound of our culture,

It is diversity!

Check our special playlist: from classical to modern music, enjoy and share this incredible journey!

Narrate it: Italy through stories

Discover Italy through six narratives told by senior authors from the Holden School, the creative writing academy founded in Turin by world-renowned author Alessandro Baricco.

In each story, readers will discover new aspects of Italian characters and history, presented with original and different points of view.

Alfonso Iaccarino

The secret ingredient of italianness

Chefs are the perfect Made in Italy ambassadors. They represent their country around the world through a secret ingredient: a touch of Italianness that goes beyond the kitchen, a mixture of culture, personal stories and excellent cooking skills. Let’s get to know them.


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