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Italian innovation knows no limits, and now, it is even headed to the moon.
Italy’s journey to the moon begins! Italy’s aerospace sector, with its constant drive for innovation, has an iconic place among Italy’s industries. The sector reflects some of the most distinguishing aspects of Italian industry, such as the ability to compete with large multinational corporations while still delivering some of the most cutting-edge technologies the world has ever seen. Being only the third country in the world to have launched and operated a satellite in orbit, Italy’s aerospace sector has gained much international recognition and exposure.
Ever since the 1964 launch of San Marco 1, Italy has been at the forefront of space exploration and research for over half a century. More recently, Argomoon, the microsatellite designed and developed by Argotec (financed and managed by the Italian Space Agency), represents the first of several key initiatives that places Italy, and its vision for space, at the forefront of innovation.