Italy is simply extraordinary:

Machinery, automation and components
Unparallelled attention to detail plus the highest production standards equals worldwide trust for Italian made machinery, components and robots: Italy is one of the most automated countries in the world and one of the top exporters of technologies.
Trust itFashion, luxury and lifestyle
Who sets global trends in fashion? Those who mastered Beauty: with superb craftsmanship and the use of high-quality materials Italian designers have a strong reputation as the trailblazers in fashion, luxury and lifestyle.
Feel itHealthcare and wellness
Research and innovation are the flywheels for Health and Wellness: two constantly expanding Italian industries with a mission to provide cutting-edge products for active people and apply their science to remedy health setbacks.
Discover itAgrifood
The epic legacy of culinary traditions, famous recipes, wine labels plus the outstanding quality of local produce: Italy is a true legend here, highly esteemed and appreciated all around the world.
Taste itDesign
Italy is a world hub for design. Beauty, quality and durability of the interior décor, furniture and lighting, the unique mix of tradition and novelty: they all add a touch of Italian character to any type of ambience.
Live itAuto and nautical industry
The performance of Italian cars, advanced navigation tools for yachts and cruise ships: Italian engineering flaunts innovation, mechanical precision and functionality of the design. Why not choose style, comfort and Italian know-how?
Experience itAdvanced technologies for aerospace and security
What does it take to be in the vanguard of space exploration? Vision, ingenuity, expertise and laser-sharp attention to detail make Italian professionals the go-to people for aerospace and security.
Explore itSustainable infrastructures and energy
Sustainability, ethical and environmental responsibility: these are the key considerations for Italian infrastructure and energy planning. The goal: to build a greener and more conscious future.
Choose itCulture and entertainment
What is the link between the restoration of cultural heritage monuments and video games production or software development? In Italy, both profound cultural experiences and sheer entertainment get the same, careful attention.
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